Shipping and Import Information for UK Customers

Dear UK Customers,

We understand that shipping packages internationally can sometimes be confusing, especially with the changes in import regulations. This page aims to provide you with all the necessary information regarding the tracking of your package and the import duties you may need to pay upon delivery.

Tracking Your Package

Once your order is shipped from Denmark via Post Nord, it will be handled by Royal Mail in the UK. Here’s how you can track your package:

1. Post Nord Tracking:

- You will receive a tracking number via email once your package is dispatched.

- Use this tracking number to follow your package's journey until it reaches the UK.

- Track your package on the Post Nord Tracking Page.

2. Royal Mail Tracking:

- Once your package enters the UK, it will be handed over to Royal Mail.

- Use the same tracking number on the Royal Mail Tracking Page for updates within the UK or ask them for information.

Import Duties and Taxes

As of January 1, 2021, the UK has new import regulations. Here’s what you need to know:

1. Import Duties and VAT:

- Import duties and VAT may be applicable on your purchase depending on its value.

- These charges are not included in the price of the goods you buy from us and will need to be paid by you upon delivery.

2. How to Pay Import Duties:

- Royal Mail will notify you if there are any import duties or VAT to be paid.

- You will receive a letter or email with instructions on how to pay these charges before your package can be delivered.

- For more information on import duties, visit the UK Government’s Guidance on Tax and Customs for Goods Sent from Abroad.

Useful Links

To assist you further, here are some useful links:

We hope this information helps clarify the process of tracking your package and handling any import duties. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for shopping with us!